
Transforming Your Digital Future. Access To AT NO-COST Support

2023 Caravanserai Project Webinar Series

Date: Friday, July 28th, 2023

Time: 9:00 – 10:30 AM PST

Location: Virtual


At no-cost technical assistance program for owners and executives of Inland Empire small businesses, for profit and nonprofit, that provides access to professional consultants and explores how technology can be employed for their companies to create new products and competitive services is a rare opportunity.

As part of the TACIES program offered by UC Riverside’s Office of Technology Partnerships and funded by the US Economic Development Administration, small business entrepreneurs in the Inland Empire have the unique opportunity to work with a consultant and receive 6-8 hours of personalized coaching to:

  • Review their current business model 
  • Select a technology most needed for their growth and competitiveness 
  • Understand the basics of the technology and how the technology may be implemented in their company 
  • Consider how their business may be transformed with new technology practices 

The entrepreneurs have access to expertise and support in four areas:

Data Analytics (including forecasting, diagnostics, and customer behavior and targeting)

Cybersecurity (including privacy and data security, frauds, website, payment cards, etc.)

5G and Internet of Things (mobile business, sensor technology, real-time data, etc.)

Robotics and Automation (collaborative assistance in logistics, fabrication, labs, etc.; limited to NAICS code 31-33 manufacturers only)

Join us to learn more about this opportunity!


Dr. David Pearson, Managing Director, Entrepreneurial Programs, UCR

Dr. David Pearson has had a successful CEO and Co-Founder career in the Biotech,  Medical Device, Medicinal Chemistry and Consumer Health businesses across the globe. His focus is on Business Growth and Profitability, Business and Corporate Development, and Commercial Operations, Marketing, and International Management. David spent 17 years at Novartis Pharma working in the US, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and England. He was the CEO of Noxxon Pharma in Germany, and most recently President of ThromboGenics NV as well as Founder of Upping Growth Advisors. David holds a PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University, an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and a BA in Biochemistry and French from Rice University. 

Since 2019 he has led the entrepreneurial programs at UCR supporting faculty, students and community entrepreneurs to advance their product and service concepts towards commercialization.  He also directs the university’s Life Sciences Incubator on the UCR campus.

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