Fellow: Keila Mazariegos
Team members: Jennafer Larsen, Corey Jackson
Seed Lab Cohort: 2020/2021
Following the deaths of Eric Gardner and Michael Brown and the clear examples of injustice and the depths to which racism is entwined in our society, the co-founders of the Center Against Racism and Trauma (CART) started envisioning a one stop resource center that will equip California’s Inland Empire with information, tools and opportunities to fight against all forms of racism.
Corey Jackson is the co-founder and Executive Director SBX Youth and Family Services, served as Political Action Chair of the Riverside NAACP and as Youth Minister at the Moreno Valley Church of Christ. He was also elected as a member of the Riverside County Board of Education, the second African American elected to the board in its over 100-year history. Jennafer Larsen brings in-depth perspective on these issues due to her work with the Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce and the Center for Behavioral and Social Sciences at California Baptist University. Keila Mazariegos has extensive experience working with various stakeholders as a lead on anti-racist and trauma-focused initiatives.
CART, whose work is already shaping the approach of lawmakers, county and state stakeholders and the larger community towards racial injustice, envisions the Inland Empire’s culture and systems free of racism and racially determined inequity with communities capable of healing those suffering from the personal and historical trauma racism has caused.