Venture: Refocus-On-U
Seed Lab Cohort: 2021/2022
Impact location: National/ US
Organization Structure: Nonprofit
Provide holistic health and wellness support with a focus on the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the veterans and people of color.
Refocus-On-U’s mission is to empower veterans and the BIPOC community through a comprehensive action plan broken down into a three-tier approach: Mental, Physical, and Spiritual. The programs provided by the organization are centered around personal care-planning as part of a transformational process to regain better health, increase quality of life and improve behavioral change through lectures, workshops, podcasts, webinars, nutritional support programs, and lifestyle coaching that meet the individual’s needs.
Christine Malinda Peart founded Refocus-On-U, a 501C3 nonprofit organization, in 2019, following a period of challenging health issues that led her to rethink her lifestyle and reconsider her priorities. Christine is an Air Force Veteran and a retiree from the Department of Defense who has dedicated 23 years of service to her country.
In 2006, she was hospitalized due to her paralysis and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Followed by proper care, Christine began to walk again, but was told she would need a double lung transplant as her only hope for survival. Due to proper care, Christine successfully recovered and is currently relying on moderate oxygen usage while the double lung transplant has been put on hold.
Christine is the author of Wilt Thou Be Made Whole, A 31 Day Devotional Health and Wellness (2020) and the host of the Refocus-On-U podcast.